***You must be present for each clinic date in order to try out.
Attendance will be taken.
***Both the Clinic and Tryouts are closed.
Tuesdays 6:20-8 am, Thursdays 6:20-8 am, Fridays 3:50-5:30 pm
*Near competition we may have additional and/or Saturday practices.
*Practices are subject to change upon coach availability
*NBJHS will be cheering at all home games. We will not be traveling unless for competitions.
*Our cheer competition dates will be given later on in the year.
Estimated expected costs:
Cheer tennis shoes: $40
Cheer uniform (shell, skirt, sleeves): $60
Spankies: $5.00
Away-Game day Shirts $15
Hair ribbon: $5
Competition clinics (min. of 4 at $25 each): $100
State competition: $50
NBJHS athletic fee: $75
Total: $350
Have you posted the cheer squad yet