Friday, August 2, 2013
Congratulations to the following who made the NBJHS Team in no particular order:
# 14
# 1
# 15
# 22
# 18
# 9
# 11
Please make sure you are at your first practice this Monday, August 5th, in the gym at 6:20am as it is mandatory.
Coach Tara, Coach Hannah & Coach Tammi
Friday, April 12, 2013
Thursday, April 11, 2013
Thank you girls and parents for all your hard work. We look forward to an awesome year.....GO BUCCS!
The NBJHS CHEER TEAM FOR 2013-2014 is: (in no particular order)
Alternates #42
*Alternates will practice, cheer and participate with the team. This includes games and assemblies. Please contact us if you need further information.
Thank you! :)
Coach Hannah and Coach Brewster
Friday, May 4, 2012
Monday, April 16, 2012
Parent / Cheerleader meeting in the NBJHS GYM:
Tuesday, April 17th at 6 pm
Clinic Dates: @ NBJH GYM
Tuesday, May 1st from 6:30 – 7:30 am
Wednesday, May 2nd from 6:30 – 7:30 am
Thursday, May 3rd from 6:30 – 7:30 am
Tryout Date: @ NBJH GYM
Friday, May 4th starting promptly at 4:00 pm
**You must be present for each clinic date in order to tryout. Attendance will be taken.
***Both the clinic and tryouts are closed.
Cheer Practices will be held:
Monday and Wednesdays from 6:20 am – 8:00 am
*Near competition we may have additional and/or Saturday practices.
*Practices are subject to change upon coach availability
*NBJHS will be cheering at all home games. We will not travel unless it is to attend competitions.
*Our cheer competition dates will be given later on in the year.
Estimated expected costs:
v Cheer shoes: $ 45
v Cheer uniform (top & skirt): $ 65
v Spankies $ 10
v Away-game day shirts $ 25
v Hair bows $ 25
v Competition clinics (min. of 8. 1st clinic $25, $10 each additional) $105
v State Competition: $ 50
v NBJHS athletic fee: $ 75
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
WHEN: Saturday, January 28, 2012
WHERE: Mountain Pointe High School
4201 E. Knox Rd, Phoenix, AZ 85044
TIMES: Doors open 10:00 am
Times are approximate and may vary slightly
Performance Cheer @ 11:30
All Girl Stunt @ 2:00
Awards @ 3:00
Competitions almost never run on time, you may want to attend early so you don’t miss the girls.
Please drop off girl’s at 8:15 am at the NBJH GYM
Girls must all ride over to the competition together on the bus.
You will need to arrange transportation home from the competition for your daughter.
Wear your cheer uniform
1. Skirt
2. Top
3. Maroon spankies
4. White socks
5. Cheer shoes
6. Competition bow
You may want to bring a change of clothes
2. Wear your hair in a high pony, slicked back, no whispies, with your competition bow.
3. Eat a good breakfast & Pack a sack lunch or snacks.
There may be a snack bar at the competition so bring $ if you want to purchase junk.
4. Bring Water!!
5. Don’t forget your smilin’ faces and awesome attitudes! It’s gonna be a fun day
Thursday, December 1, 2011
1. Our stunting clinic on Monday, 12/19 had to be cancelled. NO practice or clinic on Monday, 12/19
2. We have rescheduled the clinic for Saturday, 12/17 from 10:00 –12:00 (yes, 2 hours). I apologize for the Saturday practice as we normally try to schedule all clinics during early release days to leave weekends open for family time.
This will be a VERY busy day for the girls since we have so much to work on during the 2 hour session.
ü Bring extra water to stay hydrated
ü Bring your $10 to pay AZ All-Stars
ü Make sure you have your practice clothes, shoes and hair up and out of your face.
ü Girls will need to be dropped off a little before 10 am @ AZ AllStars and picked up around 12 @ AZ Allstars.